Stone'd Records


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About Stone'd Records

Stone'd Records is a safe haven for artists.

If your goal in life is to add beauty and soul to the world of art then you are welcome at our door anytime.

This is a place where all artists are treated with equal respect and care.

We are a team in its truest sense.

The artists here are as much part of the team as our General Manager, CEO, Marketing and PR team (and whomever else joins us in the future).

We work together in every way.

There will be no celebrity silliness, as I like to call it. We are here to make music better, to make the bandwagon rather than jump onto someone else's.

Be free with your thoughts, lyrics and melody, forget about what fits in today's music scene, just enjoy the gift you were given and we at Stone'd Records will help the world to hear it.

I'm so excited to be able to give these new innovative artists a chance in an industry that can be so linear.

The most important criteria here is passion - and passion is something we have bundles of.

Without passion there is no purpose! No point. Without passion you may as well throw in the towel.

We understand that every artist will have specific needs in order to make and promote their art. We understand how to plug in and help that along in the most fair manner possible.

Doesn't sound like rocket science, I know, but too many times I have heard the phrase "it's just not the standard." Well, forget the standard. The standard, in my opinion, is wrong. Hence, why I fight to change it and make it right and fair, especially to the artists that literally put their entire lives into what they do.

We are on a mission, and we will succeed!

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Stone'd Records